Ms. Mercado's Language Arts 7 & Drama


On this page, you will stay updated on current learning activities in class, access resources, and reference information on classroom structure and expectations.  If there's anything missing that you'd like to see, please email me.  I appreciate it.

On the menu bar, you will find links to the course description, and the dated syllabus. Please email me if you have any questions on either.


Ms. Mercado sends emails to parents once a month in the Fall.  Then, once a week in the Spring.  A record of those emails will be kept on this website for reference.  Students and parents should email Ms. Mercado for any questions they may have.


I let parents and students know ahead of time when an assignment is to be entered into Gradespeed.  At times, I inform parents when Gradespeed has just been updated.  When an email message is received to this regard, parents and students should immediately check Gradespeed.  This is to make sure the grade entered is correct.  If it isn't correct, students need to immediately email me.  I will then email them and their respective advisory teacher so the students can see me for correction.  

The submission of major assignments is confirmed by my signature in the students' agendas.  Parents can check for this signature to verify submission.

Minor assignments are verified as submitted when students submit as they exit the classroom.  If a minor assignment is missing, students are asked to open their agendas so that the missing assignment is recorded as a non-submission.

Please see the AMS Student handbook regarding Late/Missing Work.  This policy is strictly followed.  (It can be found in Page 9 of the AMS Student Handbook.)

Late/Missing work is immediately updated on Gradespeed.  To do this, students must submit their work either during advisory or in class.  A pass is required to submit during advisory.  This can be obtained simply by emailing me with the name of the advisory teacher.  I'll then request for the student during advisory.  If submitted during class, students must wait till I'm not actively addressing the class and students are doing extended independent work.  Students may approach me for submission.  This in class submission may not always be available, in which case students must see me during advisory.Once the work is reviewed, Gradespeed is immediately updated.


Parents and I work together to guide students to meet the expectations and standards of Andersen Middle School, and the DoDEA School System.  Thus, not only should we be in tandem during the school year, we need to team as early as possible should specific needs arise.  Teaming two weeks prior to the end of the quarter will not put us at an advantage.  Should unhealthy grades not change by the 5th week of the quarter, parents need to contact me to team so we can guide our students to success.